J. C. Jacobsens arkiv



Bestilling af byggematerialer. Fra kopibog.


Copenhagen 21 October 1875
Messrs Tupper & CampBirmingham
As I have been informed that Mr. Ginham in London no more is your agent, it may perhaps necessary to repeat directly an order which I have adressed to him the 13th September but which probably not has reache you.This order demanded as soon as possible by steamer to Copenhagen:
300 best galvanized corrugated Sheets. 24 W. G., 7 feet length300 -         -                -              -           -         6 feet   -
with the necessary quantity of Rivets etc. and160 feet of galvanized 15 inch Ridging.
The amount of your invoice will be paid by Messrs Westenholz Brothers in London.
I am Gentlemen
Yours trulyJ. C. JacobsenBrewer